Master in “geek” for graduates

Social networks, viral marketing, brand reputation, online pr, cloud computing is a term that in recent months, are becoming recurrent not only in the technical jargon of “geek” (ie geeks always-on, another neologism now in common use), but also in the daily lives of those who network and digital media as a mere passion, to keep informed, or to stay connected with friends and acquaintances. What, however, is perhaps not as applicant is the perception that social networks, viral marketing, brand reputation, online pr and cloud computing are genuine incubators of new jobs and employment opportunities tanks, much sought after by both industry operators (agencies communication, publishers, newspapers) that companies and institutions. Web and smartphones have, in fact, radically changed the strategic approach of brands and government, projecting towards ways of interacting with their customers / users more flexible and focused on listening, participation and co-creation of content and products. Professionals are then used to encode patterns and trends, develop projects “unconventional” and move easily within the online conversations. Figures such as project manager, client manager, strategic planner or social media specialist, almost unthinkable a few years ago, are now the most popular on the market. This analysis leads to a determination by the IED, European Institute of Design, to develop a specialized path in the field – Master in digital media management – with the aim of facilitating access to the labor market of young people with professional skills and profiles 360 degrees in the field of new technologies. Coordinated by Antonio Incorvaia and animated by Italian and international professionals, the Master will allow students to acquire skills as creative as strategic and operational through the development of real projects “turnkey” integrated communications for companies with a high profile. The course is developed through lectures, experience and design. The first will aim to provide students with tools and techniques of the avant-garde digital media management. The experience will enhance their participatory teaching methods, thanks to the encounter and confrontation with influencers, opinion leaders and media guru Italians and foreigners. Finally, in the design phase, participants will be asked to develop actual projects, of increasing complexity that the partnership with industry structures, individual study that will also serve as a portfolio for access to the stage in agencies and specialized companies. The Master in digital media management is aimed at graduate students in arts / humanities and technical / economic. In-depth knowledge of design tools, editing and / or design for the Web would be an asset valuation. It ‘also required the mastery of the English language spoken and written. The headquarters of the Master is being Sciesa 4 in Milan. The first edition will begin November 28, 2012. Duration 11 months full time (8 teaching, 3 stage / field project). Compulsory attendance, number of participants, the Italian language. Further information:
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